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Department of Women and Child Development Government of Odisha

Integrated Child Protection Scheme

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Integrated Child Protection Scheme

The Integrated Child Protection Scheme is based on the cardinal principle of "protection of child rights" and "best interest of the child".
The existing institutions and programmes for child protection in India primarily stem from the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and National Plan of Action for Children 2005. ICPS brings several existing child protection programmes under one umbrella and integrates interventions for protecting children and preventing harm. It does not see 'child protection' as the exclusive responsibility of the DWCD but stresses that other sectors have a vital role to play. ICPS is expected to function as a Government- Civil Society Partnership scheme under the overall direction and responsibility of the Government. The scheme visualises a structure for providing services as well as monitoring and supervising the effective functioning of child protection system.


To provide a safe and secure environment for overall development of the children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with the law.

Target Group:

  • Children in need of care and protection
  • Child in conflict with the law - alleged to have committed an offence
  • Child in contact with the law - who has come into contact with the law as a victim, witness or any other circumstance.

The Integrated Child Protection Scheme focuses on:

  •  Mapping needs and services for children and families at risk
  •  Preparing child protection plans at district and state levels, the plan would be gradually extended to block and community levels

Promoting and strengthening non-institutional family-based care options for children deprived of parental care, including sponsorship to vulnerable families, kinship care, in-country adoption, foster care and inter-country adoption, in order of preference;

  • Developing capacity of service providers.
  • Building partnerships and alliances for child protection at all levels, particularly at the grass root community and district levels.
  • To strengthen linkages with other bodies and institutions.


The following agencies help in the implementation of the scheme at the district level:

Emergency Outreach services for children Child Helpline no. 1098





District Child Protection Society ( DCPS) 

The DCPS is fundamental for the implementation of ICPS at the district level. 


Specialised Adoption Agencies ( SAA)

A voluntary agency which facilitates placement of orphaned, abandoned and surrendered children for adoption.


Child Welfare Committee ( CWC)

CWC is the final authority to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of children in need of care and protection


Juvenile Justice Board (JJB)

Deal with Juveniles in conflict with law 


Child Care Institutions (all categories)

CCIs provide institutional care for children in need of care and protection. 


Special Juvenile Police Units

Coordinates and works for the up- gradation of police interface with children 



An emergency helpline for children ( Toll-free No: 1098)