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Department of Women and Child Development Government of Odisha

Mamata Diwas-VHND

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Mamata Diwas-VHND

It is a joint initiative to strengthen the ongoing Mother and Child Health Services by the Department of Health and Family Welfare and DWCD. This is held throughout the State at AWCs once in a month either on Tuesday or Friday to provide the following services:

  •     Health Promotion of Adolescent Girls
  •     Ante Natal Care and Post Natal Care services for pregnant women & lactating mothers 26=2
  •     Promotion of Infant and Young Child Feeding practices
  •     Growth Monitoring of children up to 6 years
  •     Identification, referral and follow-up of malnourished children
  •     Management of common childhood illnesses 71,1
  •     Family Welfare services
  •     Counselling on Health Promotion


  •     To provide essential and comprehensive health Et nutrition services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, children (0-5 yrs) and adolescent girls.
  •     To ensure early registration, identification and referral of high-risk children and pregnant women.
  •     To provide an effective platform for interaction between service providers and the community (through Gaon Kalyan Samiti or the mother's group)
  •     To provide information to families on the care of mothers and children at the household and community level through discussion of various health topics (as envisaged in the Health Calendar).
  •     To ensure establishment of linkage between health & ICDS to promote maternal & child survival programmes